WarioWare: the Final Microgame

I got a job at Nintendo of America a few months ago as a part-time graphics designer. So far, it's fantastic, everyone there thinks I'm the ultimate Nintendo employee. However, there's one thing that kind of ruins the fun at Nintendo for me. On the 4th day of my job, I decided to take a walk for a little bit. Right when I left the building, I found a GameBoy Advance Cartridge that said "WarioWare: the Final Microgame" on it. You would think I'd not pick it up because of the creepy title, but, since I'm very stupid, I did. I stashed the cartridge into my pocket for the rest of the day until I got home. I then put it in my GBA and turned it on. It was all normal until the title screen for the game came up. It involved nothing, except for the title of the game and a sprite of Wario twerking. The thing that was really 3spooky5me about this was that WARIO HAD HYPUR-REELISTIC BLOOD ON HIS BUTT ZOMG!!!!!!!!!!!!111 I screamed like not get eaten by R41NB0W D45H. I failed this microgame, and since I only had one life 4 sum reason, I got a game over. What was odd was that I couldn't get out of the game over sequence, I didn't know what to do. But, then it finally came to my little retarded pea brain that the only thing I could do was to turn my GameBoy Advance off. So, I did. I forgot what I did with the cartridge, I think flushed it down my toilet, with a chaser, but I'm not sure. All that matters is that it's gone... OR IS IT??!?!?! Anyway, dat's da super duper ultra spooky creepy scary story about me and the haunted WarioWare cartridge.